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Is AZ Blue or Red?

People always wonder why I say Arizona was Purple and has gone Blue. Well, let me explain why!

Pew Research did a study on the nation that showed the stats for 2018. It shows 38% describe themselves as independents, while 31% are Democrats and 26% call themselves Republicans. 17% of those are Democratic-leaning independents, while 13% lean toward the Republican Party. Just 7% of Americans decline to lean toward a party.

In Arizona, Democrats made up 32%. Republicans have held steady at 35%.and “Others” make up 35% in 2020.
According to Redfin News, in 2020-2022 Arizona lost Democrats but gained Independents which unfortunately lean more Left than Right.

According to our Arizona Secretary of State website Arizona is 34.67% Republican, 30.66% Democrat, 33.89% other, and 0.78% Libertarian as of right now in 2022.

With the Open Border Policy for Illegal Immigrants and the surge of Liberal-minded people moving from California to Arizona; the Democrats gain new registered voters everyday! Democrat voters all vote lock step with their party, but Republicans not so much! Republicans don’t hold their nose and vote, they stay home and whine!

If the majority of Independents are in fact left-leaning, then the Democrats have more voters than the Republicans. With the left-leaning laws they keep shoving down our throats like Prop 308 allowing financial aid for college students regardless of immigration status, their numbers will continue to grow!

I’ve already giving examples of why there was not a Red Wave here in Arizona in my last blog post Red Wave or Red Drizzle. I’ll say it again… If we are to turn Arizona back to Red, we’re going to have to come together, step up our game, change the way we do things, and really hit the ground running! If we don’t, Arizona will only get more blue and stay blue for a very long time!

Are our Arizona Republicans up for the fight?

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